Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Quilt For Me!

I'm finally starting on the quilt that's been floating at the back of my head for about 6 months.  I always pushed it off because it's gonna stay here with us, but for now all commissioned projects are caught up.

I'm so excited about this quilt.  It's mostly Hope Valley, and made from this tutorial.  A couple of my favorite prints from other lines just begged to be included, so what can I say?  I feel quite proud of myself for cutting into my one precious fat quarter of Flea Market Fancy posies in  green. 


The other print I added was Erin McMorris' Wildwood Forest in Fuchsia.  I only had a fat quarter of this one as well, so all that's left after this project is a tiny square.  I'm valiantly resisting the urge to go buy up a couple of yards while it's still available.  I've decided that the amount of fabric sitting on my shelf is ridiculous, and I HAVE to use a whole bunch more before I can buy more fabric.  Oh, it's so hard...

I'm guessing this quilt could take me longer than most, because it will sit on the shelf, waiting for those moments when I need a little time by myself to play with beautiful colors and patterns.  Half an hour spent stitching peacefully, and I'm (almost) ready to cheerfully face the dirty dishes and piles of laundry!


  1. Oh lovely! I made a quilt just for me and used hope valley too. Something about it just makes me happy :)

  2. How beautiful! I love those saturated brights juxtaposed with the neutrals......

  3. I have a solution. You can send some of your stash here and then go buy the fabric you wanted lol. Kidding...sort of haha. Anyway, that looks really cool. I like that a lot.

  4. That looks like it's going to so lively! Great combo of prints and what a fun design. Isn't it so rejuvenating to make something for your home!

  5. it's looking great, I love that range so much.

  6. I love this! Thank you for sharing. I made one similar about 8 years ago called the Crazy Bulls Eye. It used three circles. It's now a table cloth at my beach place.

  7. I love it! The colors all look so nice together. You are going to love having a quilt for yourself. :)


    PS: Yay for cutting into your cherished fabrics!


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