Tuesday, September 21, 2010

An Evolved Rainbow Quilt

It started out with an idea to make a rainbow quilt.  I sewed 3" x WOF (width of fabric) strips together .  I didn't take a picture, but here's the little bit of leftover.  (After I had changed my mind and cut it all up into more strips, but more on that later)

I had envisioned a big happy stripey rainbow, with a small black applique down in one corner.  But once I had all the strips sewn together, it was just too....much!  Somewhere along the way I had the idea to make a few quilts out of this big rainbow chunk.  A mini 'series' if you will.   I thought I'd make one really simple quilt, and one with more complicated piecing, and maybe one with improvisational piecing.  Each quilt would use a different colored solid as the background.

For the first quilt, I cut three strips 6" wide and used Kona Snow to make a classic coin quilt.  

I did crosshatch quilting with double lines in one direction - Ashley's signature style.

Here's the back using Kona Aqua, another rainbow strip, and Kona Spearmint.

Next I pulled out some chocolate brown to make another quilt top with some more strips from this big hunk of rainbow.

I'll show you more of this one soon.  I'm thinking of backing this one with a snuggly pink flannel.

And here's the third one on the design wall right now.  I have enough rainbow fabrics left to make another quilt top, but we'll see.  I'm hoping to finish these up soon, but first on the list is a dress for my little girl's birthday.


  1. Very cool! I am loving all of them and can't wait to see more of the chocolate one.

  2. I love the third one the very best. Just little touches of rainbows. Awesome design!

  3. Can't wait to see them all done - the coins on white is a classic, and favorite of mine - but I'm really interested to see the 3rd one.

  4. My favorite picture is the one of the back of your finished quilt. Perfect color choices on the Kona! Love the quilting style too.

  5. These are lovely! I like hearing about your process ...

  6. I absolutely LOVE the rainbow coin quilt.

  7. I love the Rainbow quilt and the way you worked with the white to make the colors really pop. I am just learning to quilt and forget that there needs to be some sort of balance or else the whole thing ends up too intense with none of the patterns or colors standing out. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Your coin quilt is lovely! I love the crispness of bright colors against the white. It is really lovely!

  9. Ooooh! I love these!! I think I might be heavily inspired by that first one on a future project! :)

  10. Love the rainbow quilt. Would love to make one just like it. So pretty and fun.

  11. This is so fresh and pretty. Love it.

  12. What a beautiful quilt. I just found it when I did a search for coin quilts and this one caught my eye.


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