Thursday, October 28, 2010

A New Start

A smallish announcement:  I've created a new blog.  I'll leave this one sitting here for awhile, but from now on my home is over here.   Come on over if you're interested!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Claire's Quilt

Way back in August I sent out these fabrics to the wonderful people of the Fresh Modern Quilting Bee.   These folks bent their heads to the task and created some stunning and whimsical blocks, then popped them in the mail back to me. The month of September felt almost like Christmas, as almost every trip to the Post Office resulted in a fun package with another lovely quilt block.

  A couple weeks ago  my design wall was empty (this is totally amazing)  so I decided to put up all the blocks I've received to see them all together.  (I'm waiting on one more yet)

My sewing room has terrible lighting, so this picture looks a little washed out, but you get the idea.  Absolutely wonderful and fun, and exactly what I wanted.  They're a mixture of 12.5" and 6.5" blocks. I'm planning on adding some more blocks myself.  Probably a few very simple ones to balance it out and rest the eye.

The colors look a bit more true in this picture.   This quilt is gonna be so much fun to put together.

For those of you who asked about the pattern for the circle-star block in my last post.  It's called a New York Beauty.  The book I found it in didn't have a name for it, but I think you should be able to find a free pattern for this block online.  And if you haven't tried paper-piecing, go for it!  Once you get the hang of it, it's really fun.  Maybe I'll do a little tutorial on paper-piecing sometime, but before I do that I'll see if there's another comprehensive one floating around in quilt bloggy land.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


October was Shelley's month in the Fresh Modern Bee. I was sent these LURVELY fabrics to work with.  I had been wishing to see that middle print in real life and now I'm craving some for myself.  (The one just left of the bikes) A small piece of that bike fabric already lives at my home, or else I'd be drooling over that one too!

She asked for a 16.5" block with any kind of star.  She had some great inspiration photos for us, and I immediately was drawn to to the circle ones.  Me loves circles.  Me also loves paper piecing.  (In small amounts).  I would go entirely crazy making a whole quilt like this.  But one block?  Fun!  Fun!

The seams do get a little bulky, and I'm a little bummed about the color placement I used. The outside ring of points simply doesn't stand out enough and I wish I'd rather used the dark green on the outside. But there's no such thing as perfect in quilting is there?   And I really do love this block anyway!

Monday, October 18, 2010


A package arrived in the mail today.  It was such a long time coming, I'd forgotten about it.  Yes, it's Bliss by Bonnie and Camille.  Although I like the looks of this whole collection, I knew that these two dots were must-haves for my stash.  I only ordered a half yard of each, so I may need to go back for more yet.  Hopefully they're not one of those that are all snatched up right away, never to be seen again.

And yes, I ordered the same two prints in the flannel as well.  Can't wait to back some snuggly baby quilts with these.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I think basting is my least favorite part of the quilting journey.  (Ha Ha, big surprise)  I've heard a lot about basting spray, and I've been toying with the idea of trying it, but it's just one of those things that hasn't happened yet.  I do all my basting on the kitchen floor because I tape the backing down, and the kitchen is the only tapeable surface around here.  Baby tries to grab the pins, and 3-year-old must have some tape of his own to put onto every surface.  I suppose I should do it during nap-time.  But I love the way my boy's face lights up when I say "we're gonna pin a quilt now".  He loves to hand me pins, and pulls the tape off the edges when we're done.

The other day I returned from the nursery after changing a smelly pamper mid-quilt.  I noticed the sun streaming in on this partially basted quilt and my little orange pin canister sitting there so happy.  I had to show you this picture, not because it's anything special, but to me it signifies everything I love about this hobby of mine.  And it's a sneak peak of Rainbow Quilt #2.  (Those big empty brown spaces are getting some happy-colored hand stitching)

I have another toddler bed/lap size quilt basted and ready to quilt...
...piecing the back for my Hopeful Circles...
     ...and dreaming of new projects...I hope I have the self denial to finish these up before I even LOOK at anything new!

Should be back with some finished projects soon.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I *Love* Amy Butler

When Amy's 'Love' collection came out, this print was my instant favorite.  I had to buy a piece, although I had no earthly idea what I'd do with something purple!

The yummy bright mint green background (what is this color called anyways?  I think of aqua as being more blue)  is one of my favorite colors, and this shade of purple is just divine with it.

When I read that Amy(not Butler) was having a big Amy Butler bash, I thought hmmm... let's make something with that yummy fabric on the pile that you've been looking at every day for months.  Of course I didn't sit down and make it till yesterday, and here it is in all it's brilliant purple glory.  In a house that doesn't have one other speck of purple.  But guess what?  I LOVE it!  

I used the quilt-as-you-go method, because I'm still not tired of quilting that way.  I used a funny old insert that had been hanging around my storage room for years.  I kinda like the rectangular shape cause it will be perfect for an afternoon nap.  (What nap?  asks the 3-year-old)

Another new thing I tried was an invisible zipper in the bottom rather than my usual envelope style back.  I like the more tailored look for a change, and I actually had a purple zipper in my drawer.  It's been sitting there for years, waiting for purple to come back into style!

Anyways, thanks to Amy for hosting the Amy Butler Sew and Tell since it got this pillow finished for me.  If you like Amy Butler fabric or patterns, go check out her blog - she's having a link party (with prizes!).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fabric Stack

I love making stacks of fabric.  Few of them actually end up a finished project, but it's fun to dream!

The Amy Butler Love print on top is being sewn into a pillow right now!  

Hmmm...  I'm thinking this needs a few more solids, and then it would make a lovely quilt like this.

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